With everything that has happened here in the UK recently (and all over the world), it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re staying safe while exercising alone. Exercising alone can be great for the both the body and the mind. However, for some, the thought of solo running, or doing any form of outdoor exercise alone can be terrifying.
So, how can we stay safe while exercising alone, or solo running? Incase you too love spending time outdoors, here are our top tips on how you can stay safer while exercising alone…
Safety Risks & Tips For Solo Running
While exercising outdoors alone, for the most part, is very safe in most countries. However, there are still some risks to take in to consideration when running alone.
It’s been reported by Runner’s World…
- 43% of women who run alone have been harassed
- 30% have been followed
- 18% have been propositioned sexually in some way
- 3% have reported being assaulted
However, please note these are worldwide statistics, you’re area might be much safer than this.
There are risks with most things you do in life, even walking down the stairs could be dangerous. However, it’s about taking as much care as you can to ensure you’re as safe as possible in your surroundings. You can’t stop doing the things you love due to the fear of something possibly happening.
Inform Someone You Trust
Before you go out for your solo run, walk alone, tell someone exactly where you are going and roughly how long you plan to be. If it’s someone you don’t live with, make sure you let them know when you’re leaving and when you get back.
Also, make sure you let someone you trust know the route you plan on taking. Perhaps if you have an app such as Find My Phone, you could give them access to be able to see your exact location. That way you know if something does happen and you stray off the route, they can call for help and see where you are.
Change Your Route & Time
Make sure you mix up the routes you’re doing, and if possible, the time you go out. By mixing up where and when you go, the less likely you’ll become a target.
However, if you’re planning to go out on a solo run, or walk alone that you haven’t done before, try to go with someone else the first time you do it. You should only go out by yourself in locations you’re familiar with.
Listen To Your Surroundings
Doing outdoor exercise with your new ear-phones in, listening to your favourite podcast or playlist can seem like a great idea. However, if you’re doing this alone, either make sure you have the volume down low, or have one headphone out. This ensures you can hear your surroundings better and watch out for any signs of danger.

Take A Pet With You
Although it’s unlikely if someone truly wants to attack you a pet will stop them, they may however deter an opportunist. If you don’t have a dog you can take with you, perhaps you could offer to take a friend’s dog out for a walk for instead.
Be Visible While Solo Running
Going out by yourself during the day would be a much better option. However, if going out in the day just isn’t possible for you, or you simply prefer working out in the evenings, make sure you stay as visible as possible. To be safer while doing your outdoor exercise, get yourself a high-vis jacket, or some reflective clothing to ensure people can see you clearly.
Make Sensible Choices
Being sensible is your best form of staying safe. Obviously stay away from dark alley-ways, or secluded areas such as parks at night. Another great tips for ensuring your safety is to run against any traffic. Running towards the traffic means you can see what’s coming and makes it much harder for vehicles to creep up behind you.
Stay Connected While Running
While going out alone, whatever it might be you’re doing, or the time of day. You should always make sure you take your phone with you. Just incase something does happen, but also so that people can see where you are on any tracking app. In the unlikely-hood of an accident happening, it will also make it easier for the emergency services to contact someone to let them know, and to find out who you are.
Study Self Defence
Have you ever considered taking self defence classes? Learn a few tricks to help you get out of a sticky situation.
Not only will you gain skills to protect yourself, you could also learn general safety tips, and boost your confidence for exercising alone at the same time.
If exercising alone is what you love to do, then don’t let fear stop you, just be as safe as you possibly can be. However, if exercising alone doesn’t interest you, or you just don’t feel comfortable exercising alone, perhaps you could join a walking or running group instead.
Take care out there and make sure you take some steps to be safe, and don’t overdo your exercise as this could also be bad for you!