For a lot of people, sleeping isn’t something which feels like it comes naturally. Of course, in reality, everyone can sleep, and they have to if they want to stay healthy. But this doesn’t make it any easier when you’re tossing and turning, and counting sheep.
Instead, you need some real support, not just some simple tricks to help you drop off. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the areas you need to consider when trying to improve your sleep.
Adjust The Lighting
In the wild, humans are naturally diurnal creatures, meaning that you will always prefer to sleep at night. To help with this, your brain will release a hormone called melatonin. This hormone makes you get drowsy and helps to let you know that it’s time for bed.
Unfortunately, though, the blue light produced by phones, TVs, and other screens will limit this process. This is because they replicate the light of the sun, keeping your brain from releasing this drowsy hormone. Avoiding these screens is a great way to make it easier to get to sleep.
Eating The Right Foods
Along with the machines you use, you also have to think about the food you consume before bed. While you sleep, your metabolism will slow down a lot, and you will start to soak up way more of the nutrients you have consumed.
Of course, though, this sort of effect is good in the wild, but something like sugar waking you up at night isn’t ideal for most people. In most cases, it’s best to avoid eating for at least an hour and a half before bed.
The Right Kind Of Mattress
Of course, the sort of night you have isn’t always down to the time you spend before getting into bed. Sometimes, it could be the bed itself causing your sleeping issues and restless nights. If you think this might be the case, take a look at the simba mattress range. They have everything from the lower priced hybrid mattress range, to the luxurious and more expensive luxe and ultra range. Not forgetting the mattress toppers, bed linen, pillow, duvets and everything else you might need for the perfect night sleep.
Changing this part of your life can have a huge impact on the quality of sleep you get. So, it could be worth switching to a new bed at some point in time.
Have A Routine
Finally, as the last area to consider, not a lot of people will think about their bedtime routine as the cause of their sleepless nights. If you watch exciting TV, do too much exercise, or use digital devices right before bed, you will almost always find it harder to sleep.
To solve this issue, you can replace some of these activities with things like reading or talking to your partner. This will make it a lot easier to drift off when it’s time to go to sleep.
Hopefully, this post will give you everything you need to improve your sleep. A lot of people find it hard to get their head down and drift off into dream town. But, with the right effort, you can make a real change in this part of your life, and you will notice the difference almost immediately.