Whether you’re flexible or not, into health and fitness or not. Yoga should be done by everyone as it has so many health and wellness benefits – both physically and mentally. Of course yoga isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s well worth giving it a try, you might find you learn to love it. […]
3 Great Tips for Making a Fitness Habit Stick
Everyone knows regular exercise and physical movement is vitally important for overall health and well-being, in a variety of different ways. From improving your mental health, to your physical health. However, everyone goes through struggles to maintain their fitness routines from time to time. And by fitness routine, that can be anything from running a […]
Eco Friendly Candles & Artisan Soaps Review – Quiet Blue
Whether you love aromatherapy, or simply love to have a nicely scented ethical candle wafting about your home. There’s something so calming about having eco-friendly candles dotted around your home. Or artisan soaps waiting to soothe and nourish your hands. It’s even better when you know they’re ethically made, using only natural ingredients. In this […]
The Beginners Guide To Holistic Skin Care & It’s Benefits
There seems to have been a shift in the last few years with brands trying to use more natural products in their skincare and beauty products – about time! Did you know, when it comes to our health, it’s said everything humans need is right there in nature. However, over the years this has been […]
How To Paddle Board For Beginners – Tips & Essential Gear
So you’ve decided to start paddle boarding, or are at least thinking about it. To ensure you’re not scratching your head with where to start, here is an essentials checklist that will take you through exactly what you need. So all you have to do is head straight to the water and get paddling. As […]
How To Workout At The Right Frequency For You
Of course, the short answer to everyone should exercise with the same frequency is – no, absolutely not! Could you imaging someone who hasn’t ever done a workout to suddenly do a 45minute, high intensity workout, 5 times a week. This would probably kill them, or if not, at least injure them. Plus make them […]
Should You Invest In A Handheld Body Massager?
In short, absolutely – yes! Your muscles are used day in, day out – whether you’re doing 10k steps a day, or you’ve just run a marathon. Yet i wonder how many times a week you think to massage your muscles, to relieve them of any aches, pains or stiffness? This is where the handheld […]
A Simple Beginner’s Guide To Sustainable Living
If you’re interested in becoming more sustainable, reducing your carbon footprint and living a more sustainable lifestyle, there are countless ways in which you can do this. Things that will help you to have a more positive impact on the planet. From buying less in general, to reduce your plastic waste – and so much […]
How To Build An Eco-Friendly Home
With environmental issues at the forefront of media attention in recent years, many home and business owners are looking for ways they can become more eco-friendly. Of course, there are things you can do yourself to help the environment. Recycling more and cutting your showers short, for example. However, there are also structural things to […]
10 Genius Ways To Reduce Clutter Around The Home
Clutter can quickly build up around the home. Given that clutter is a significant source of stress for many people, it is vital to take steps to reduce the amount of clutter in your home. There are plenty of techniques and methods to help you declutter and keep on top of clutter around the house. […]